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PCB precautions.p8 led screen

source:Other information release time:2023-05-12 Hits:     Popular:PCB Assembly company


  desoldering double sided pcb Solution

  About the original file of pads design

  1. PADS paving copper method is the HATCH method paving copper. After the customer's original file is moved, it must be re -paved to save (paved copper with Flood) to avoid short circuit.

  2. The hole attributes in the double -panel file PADS must select the pore attribute (Through). You cannot choose the blind buried hole attribute (partial). The drilling file cannot be generated, which will cause the drilling hole.

  3. Design slot holes in PADS, please do not add it to the component, because the Gerber cannot be generated normally. To avoid leakage, add grooves to DrillDrawing.

  Documents about Protel99se and DXP design

  1. The weld is based on the Solder Mask layer. If the sacred layer (Paste layer) needs to be made, there is also a multi -layer (M Ultilayer) welding windows that cannot be generated by GERBER. Please move to the welded layer.

  2. Do not lock the outer line in the Protel99se, and you cannot generate a Gerber normally.

  3. Do not choose a Keepout option in the DXP file. It will screen outer lines and other components, which cannot generate Gerber.

  4. Please pay attention to the front and back design of these two files. In principle, the top layer is positive, and the bottom layer should be designed as an inverse word. Pay special attention to single -piece board, don't mirror at will! It is reversed if it is good.

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