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High TG Double Sided Printed Circuit Board order.The "flexible" era is coming: flexible screen smart devices will become the mainstream of the market

source:Other information release time:2023-12-14 Hits:     Popular:PCB Assembly company



  Currently, there are many well-known mobile phone manufacturers' internal research and development projects involving curved displays or bendable batteries, and these are the most important components of so-called "curved screen smartphones". Today, some foreign media wrote that although the current curved screen smartphones do not have obvious practicality, the "flexible" era has arrived, and more bendable display products will appear in the future and become the "mainstream" of the market. ".

  What is a "flexible screen"?

  As the name suggests, a flexible screen is a screen that can be bent and folded at will. At present, what we call flexible screens usually refers to flexible OLED displays, which can be rolled but cannot be folded. In the future, it is very likely that there will be foldable products equipped with flexible screens.

  Over the past few years, LG and Samsung have demonstrated "curved smartphone" technology through various trade shows, such as Mobile World Congress (MWC) and IFA, but these devices have previously been in the prototype stage. It was not until the end of last year that LG and Samsung released smartphones LG G Flex and Galaxy Round with flexible displays for the mass market.

  Judging from this year's Mobile World Congress, flexible display products will become a "hot spot" in the future. In MWC2014, Samsung and Huawei successively launched smart watches with flexible displays. It is expected that more manufacturers will enter the flexible screen product market in the future, and bendable and even foldable screen products will gradually enter our lives.

  Market demand is “not high”

  So why would a user want to buy a bendable smartphone? Is it because bendable mobile phones have obvious advantages over ordinary mobile phones? Or is it just to satisfy your own vanity and show off?

  Next, let’s take the world’s first bendable smartphone, Samsung Galaxy Round, as an example. It was launched in South Korea at the end of last year. It can be said that Galaxy Round is Samsung’s “test of the waters”, and its main purpose is to test whether there is demand in the market for smartphones with bendable displays.

  Facts have shown that the performance of Samsung’s “test of the waters” was not satisfactory. Samsung said that Galaxy Round will only be sold in South Korea and will not be launched in other countries. This is likely because the current market demand for smartphones with bendable displays is not high.

  LG G Flex is the second largest curved screen smartphone in the world, and it is also the first smartphone sold outside South Korea.

  In February this year, LG launched LG G Flex in more than a dozen countries, but the specific sales situation is not yet known.

  In comparison, LG is quite "confident" in the future development of curved screen smartphones, while Samsung has "doubts" about the market prospects of curved screen mobile phones.

  "Insufficient" practicality

  LG and Samsung told potential customers that LG G Flex and Galaxy Round have different advantages. But is this kind of curved screen smartphone practical?

  In terms of hardware configuration, both LG G Flex and Samsung Galaxy Round are powerful enough, so performance and functionality are not an issue. Compared with ordinary smartphones, LG G Flex will appear slightly more flexible. But even so, a bendable screen isn't really practical.

  Both Samsung and LG emphasized that the readability of bendable displays is higher than ordinary displays under strong sunlight. However, various tests have shown that this gap is minimal and basically non-existent.

  In addition, LG also boasts that the LG G Flex's design is more ergonomic. Since LG G Flex adopts a top-down bendable design, the LG G Flex screen can better fit the user's facial curve when making a phone call. Admittedly, this is indeed an advantage, but the editor very much doubts whether this advantage can constitute the main "selling point" of LG G Flex.


  Unless mobile phone manufacturers can show users the real advantages of bendable display smartphones, curved screen smartphones will not have a broad market prospect.

  So far, the only advantage of curved smartphones over regular smartphones is better readability in "landscape mode."

  Currently, bendable display technology is in its initial stages of development. The editor believes that more companies will invest in the innovation of bendable screens in the future.

  In the near future, we will see the arrival of smartphones with true flexibility and even foldable smartphones. In addition, the development of bendable displays will also have a profound impact on the development of wearable devices.

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