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Common board scrapping issues in multi-layer circuit board factories.characteristics of single sided pcb

source:News release time:2023-08-09 Hits:     Popular:PCB Assembly company



  In the entire production process, there are many control points. If one is not careful, the board will be scrapped, and the quality problems of multi-layer circuit boards are endless. This is also a headache because only one of them has problems, and most of the devices will also become unusable. In addition to the above issues, there are also some potential high-risk issues. The multi-layer circuit board factory has sorted out some potential problems that may occur, and here we list and attach some handling experiences to share with everyone:

  1、 Layering: Layering is a difficult problem for PCB boards, ranking first among common problems. The possible reasons for its occurrence are as follows:

  1. Improper packaging or storage, dampness;

  2. Supplier material or process issues;

  3. Poor design material selection and copper surface distribution;

  4. The storage time is too long, exceeding the storage period, and the PCB board becomes damp.

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