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Principle of PCB drill bit.Double Sided Printed Circuit Board

source:Other information release time:2023-07-06 Hits:     Popular:PCB Assembly company



  PCB drill bits belong to a type of cutting behavior, so the principle is roughly the same as general cutting; Generally speaking, there are two calculation formulas widely used in drilling:

  1. R.P.M=(S.F.M * 12)/π * D

  2. I.P.M=R.P.M * Chipload

  Firstly, introduce the various units of the two companies mentioned above:

  (1) R.P.M=Drill needle rotation speed, revolutions per minute, which is the number of revolutions per minute.

  ⑵ S.F.M=surface cutting speed, in feet per minute, that is, the cutting distance or length of the cutting edge on the board surface per minute (Surface Feet Per Minute).

  ⑶ D: Diameter of the drill bit.

  (4) I.P.M: Feed speed, inches/minute, and how many inches per minute of feed depth are there.

  (5) Chipload: Feed quantity, fixed/revolution, how much fixed is the feed depth per revolution, and briefly introduce the source of the R.P.M=(S.F.M * 12)/π * D formula.

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