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Printing performance of SMT solder paste.FR4 Printed Circuit Board Pcb

source:News release time:2023-09-25 Hits:     Popular:PCB Assembly company



  In SMT large-scale production, the first requirement is that the solder paste can be smoothly and continuously transferred to the PCB through the solder paste leakage plate or distributor. If the printability of the solder paste is not good, it will block the holes on the leakage plate, leading to abnormal production. The reason is that there is a lack of a printing aid or insufficient dosage in the solder paste, and the poor shape and particle size distribution of the alloy powder can also cause a decrease in printing performance.

  The simplest inspection method is to select a QFP stencil with a welding center distance of 0.5mm or 0.63mm, print 30-50 PCBs, observe whether the holes on the stencil are blocked, whether there is excess solder paste on the reverse side of the stencil, and then observe whether the solder paste pattern on the PCB is uniform and consistent, and whether there are any defects. If there are no aforementioned abnormalities, it is generally believed that the printability of the solder paste is good.

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