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Common quality problems and solutions in PCB welding processes

source:Other information release time:2023-02-07 Hits:     Popular:PCB Assembly company


  Double Sided PCB

  Welded welding is a layer of ink printed on the surface of the PCB surface. It not only plays an insulating role, but also protects the copper surface. It also plays a beautiful and beautiful role. Any flaws of it are easily discovered, so welding is also the most easy process in all processes to attract customer complaints. In the PCB welding process, you may also encounter various quality problems with smart and sophisticated.

  Question: penetration, blur

  Reason 1: The viscosity of the ink is too low.

  Improvement measures: improve the concentration without diluing.

  Reason 2: Silk printing pressure is too large.

  Improvement measures: Reduce stress.

  Reason 3: Poor glue scraping.

  Improvement measures: Replace or change the angle of glue scraping.

  Reason 4: The distance between mesh and printing surfaces is too large or too small.

  Improvement measures: Adjust the distance.

  Reason 5: The tension of the silk printing network becomes less.

  Improvement measures: Re -make new online versions.

  Question: sticky Filin

  Reason 1: The ink is not baked and dry

  Improvement measures: Check the degree of drying ink

  Reason 2: Pumping is too strong

  Improvement measures: Check the vacuum system (without guidance)

  Question: Poor exposure

  Reason 1: Poor vacuum is poor

  Improvement measures: Check the vacuum system

  Reason 2: The exposure energy is not suitable

  Improvement measures: Adjust the appropriate exposure energy

  Reason 3: Excessive temperature of the exposure machine is too high

  Improvement measures: Check the temperature of the exposure machine (below 26 ° C)

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