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The contradiction between PCB handmade wiring and automatic wiring?multilayer printed circuit boards

source:Other information release time:2023-04-07 Hits:     Popular:PCB Assembly company


  Multilayer Printed Circuit Board

  Most of the automatic wiring software of the strong wiring software now has setting constraints to control the winding method and the number of over -holes

  The setting items of the winding engine capacity and constraints of each EDA company are sometimes far from

  For example, whether there are enough constraints to control the winding method of snake line (Serpentine), whether it can control the differential pair of wiring spacing, etc.

  This will affect whether the wiring method of automatic wiring can conform to the designer's thoughts

  In addition, the difficulty of manual adjustment of the wiring also has an absolute relationship with the ability of the winding engine

  For example, the push ability of the ride, the push ability of the perforated, and even the push ability of the copper push for copper, etc.

  Therefore, choosing a wiring capacity of a winding engine is the way to solve

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