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Whether PCB will rise in price.Impedance Double Side Prototype PCB

source:News release time:2023-04-18 Hits:     Popular:PCB Assembly company


  Aluminum Circuit Board Single Sided Pcb supplier

  The collective price rise of large PCB manufacturers is 20% - 30%: the industry accelerates the reshuffle and small enterprises face the tide of bankruptcy

  As the largest consumer electronic product in the current shipment, the rise in the price of components affects the entire industry chain. The most typical is the memory chip and capacitor. The price rise trend of the two has never stopped, and the most serious appeal for the price rise of these two is from Taiwan enterprises. Recently, there was news that the price rise trend of both memory chips and capacitors would be eased, and then Taiwan enterprises immediately clarified that the price rise would continue!

  For example, on July 17, the supervisor of Guoju China said that MLCC would fall by 10%. However, on July 18, Guoju immediately issued a clarification announcement, saying that it refuted the rumors of MLCC price loosening, saying that MLCC supply and demand could not be balanced, and there was no sign of price easing, and it remained optimistic about the industrial prospects. Not only Guoju retorts this news, but also some agents and traders are encouraged to retort! When price rise becomes a means of profiteering, we can imagine the resistance caused by the adverse news of the market!

  It is reported that the industry said that the price rise started last year from the agent, and this year it will increase to the EMS factory in turn. Generally speaking, the majority of the passive component factory's supply is divided by the EMS factory, the Chinese mobile phone brand factory, and Apple and other manufacturers, accounting for about 80% in total. The agent, that is, the spot part, only accounts for 20%, with a wide gap in the ratio. This is the main reason why the MLCC factory's price rise effect only broke out this year, and the EMS supply is insufficient, Go to the spot market to sweep goods, causing the spot price to soar, pushing up the proportion of the passive factory's agent revenue.

  In addition to MLCC, recently, it has been reported that large PCB manufacturers have begun to collectively increase prices, which will reach 20-30%. From the current time point, the situation of the electronics industry in the second half of the year is undoubtedly better than the slack season in the first half of the year. Many enterprises have started to prepare for the capacity of shipment in the second half of the year. At this time, the price rise will undoubtedly have a very bad impact on the industry. As a result of this positive news, PCB related concept machines almost went up and down collectively, such as Ultrasonic Electronics and Bomin Electronics. What are the reasons behind the price increase of large PCB manufacturers?

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