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The current application status of AI in the medical field of medical circuit boards.Double Sided Circuit Board wholesale

source:Other information release time:2023-06-06 Hits:     Popular:PCB Assembly company



  Artificial intelligence has had many intersections with the medical field for a long time. Through summarizing and analyzing the application of artificial intelligence AI technology in the medical field, it is currently mainly applied in five major fields: medical imaging, auxiliary diagnosis, drug research and development, health management, and disease prediction.

  01. Medical imaging

  With the development advantages of medical imaging big data and image recognition technology, medical imaging has become one of the most mature fields in the combination of artificial intelligence and medical care in China. The small editor of battery circuit board learned that both from the financing situation (in 2018, the financing amount in the first three quarters was up to 2.6 billion yuan) and the top ten expected revenue in 2018, AI medical imaging industry has shown a bright performance, and in tuberculosis, fundus, breast cancer, There are already mature products in the field of cervical cancer, but as of now, no medical AI product in this field has obtained a Class III medical device certificate. Therefore, most of the basically formed AI medical imaging products in China are in the trial stage of hospitals, and companies in this field have not achieved profitability.

  02. In terms of auxiliary diagnosis

  Medical imaging, electronic medical records, guidance robots, and virtual assistants are the main application scenarios. The circuit board factory also found that most of the products are integrated software and hardware solutions, and the products are still in the polishing stage. In the future, there may be a tendency towards a service fee model.

  03. Drug research and development

  The research and development of new drugs in China is still mainly focused on generic and improved drugs. Therefore, compared to the A1 drug research and development industry abroad, the domestic layout is relatively backward, but the business model is clear, mainly for AI companies to cooperate with pharmaceutical companies to develop new drugs.

  04. Health management

  The circuit board editor learned that the field in China is not yet mature, mainly focusing on chronic disease management and maternal and child management. The business model is mainly based on health examinations paid by enterprises and individuals, and the subsequent payment model needs to be mature.

  05. Disease prediction

  Our country mainly focuses on the field of genetic testing. Due to the existence of technical barriers, the upstream of this field is basically monopolized by foreign companies, while the downstream is mainly dominated by hospital investment models and third-party testing models.

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