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PCB Double Sided Green Solder Mask custom.Leaves can also be turned into circuit boards, new technology for liquid metal inkjet printing

source:Other information release time:2024-01-06 Hits:     Popular:PCB Assembly company



  The alloy product of two metals, gallium and indium, is usually in liquid form at room temperature. The properties of these two metals can be used with ordinary inkjet printers to directly print out usable circuit boards without having to use the previous method. That way, ordinary drawings are printed out first and then produced through the factory.

  It is reported that this new printing technology is relatively cheap to use, and at the same time, it can directly print usable circuit boards on any material and will be applied to a variety of new processes and products in the future.

  The liquid alloy will oxidize rapidly when it encounters air, and can automatically form an oxide layer on the surface to prevent further oxidation of the metal. This process is very convenient to implement, because the liquid metal itself is not stable and is very easy to oxidize. However, once metal oxide is generated on its surface, the circuit board printed by the liquid alloy can be used very well on any material. On the surface it works fine.

  The team also stated that in fact, this method of direct liquid metal inkjet printing is relatively easier than any circuit board production process. At the same time, it can also be printed directly in special environments anytime and anywhere with a small mobile inkjet printer. In addition, the team also demonstrated the printing process on cotton, plastic, glass, paper and leaves.

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