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PCB circuit board manufacturers explain the influencing factors of copper plating on circuit board holes

source:Other information release time:2023-08-15 Hits:     Popular:PCB Assembly company



  In the production of circuit boards, there are many processes that complement each other in order to successfully produce them. Various problems may also be encountered, which have always been difficult to solve and unavoidable.

  As everyone knows, the main problem lies in the processes of removing glue residue, chemical copper deposition, and electroplating copper deposition;

  Among them, the factors of adhesive residue removal: the main influencing factors are the adhesive removal strength and the concentration of impurities K2MnO4. The drug exchange inside the blind hole is not ideal, and the adhesive removal strength is insufficient, which can easily lead to residual adhesive inside the blind hole; The poor electrolysis effect affects the bonding between the deposited copper layer and the inner copper layer.

  Chemical copper precipitation factors: The main influencing factors are the copper precipitation activity and deposition rate, as well as the cyclic exchange ability of the solution. If the activity is too weak, it will affect the blind hole binding force. If the activity is too strong, the hydrogen evolution side reaction will be too fierce, which can easily affect the blind hole copper precipitation effect.

  Electroplating copper deposition factors: one is the quality of the incoming material, one is the etching problem, and the last is the preservation problem; If the material is poor, it will affect the oxidation of the copper deposit layer and the residue of pattern transfer and development; The etching problem is mainly about the depth of etching; Finally, there is the issue of preservation: if the process is directly transferred to the next process without drying, it will cause copper oxide, resulting in oxidation of the board surface and disconnection of the circuit

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